Carpentaria Planning Scheme 2024

Carpentaria Shire Council has prepared a new planning scheme in accordance with the Planning Act 2016 and Minister’s Guidance and Rules 2023. The new planning scheme has been completed.

The new Carpentaria Planning Scheme will replace the current Shire of Carpentaria Planning Scheme 2008, but is yet to commence. Commencement is expected later in 2024.

The new Carpentaria Planning Scheme is also available to view and download on Carpentaria Shire Council’s website.

  • Carpentaria Shire Council has prepared a draft new planning scheme for the local government area in accordance with the Planning Act 2016 and Minister’s Guidance and Rules 2023.

    The draft Carpentaria Planning Scheme is intended to replace the current Shire of Carpentaria Planning Scheme 2008. It integrates State, regional and local planning matters and will provide a framework for regulating new development throughout the whole of the local government area.

    The draft Carpentaria Planning Scheme may be inspected and purchased at Carpentaria Shire Council’s offices at:

    Normanton – 29-33 Haig St, Normanton QLD 4890

    Karumba – Karumba Library, 154 Walker Street, Karumba QLD 4891

    It is also available to view and download on Carpentaria Shire Council’s website.

    A submission may be made by any person about any aspect of the proposed planning scheme until 40 business days after publication of notices - 4 November 2023.

    Submissions can be lodged:

    To be properly made in accordance with the Planning Act 2026, submissions must:

    1. state the name and residential or business address of all submission-makers;
    2. be signed by each person who is making the submission;
    3. be received on or before the last day for making the submission, 4 November 2023;
    4. state its grounds, and the facts and circumstances relied on to support the grounds; and
    5. state one postal or electronic address for service relating to the submission for all submission-makers.

    For further information please contact (07) 4745 2200.

Planning Scheme Banner

Downloadable Documents

# Name Size Type Date Download
1 Carpentaria Consultantion and State Submission Report final.pdf 891.55 KB PDF 18th December 2023
2 Carpentaria Shire Natural Hazard and Risk Assessment Reporting.pdf 3.35 MB PDF 22nd September 2023
3 Draft Planning Scheme 2024.pdf 3.10 MB PDF 2nd August 2024
# Name Size Type Date Download
1 Map 1 - Acid Sulfate Soils Overlay.pdf 2.63 MB PDF 2nd August 2024
2 Map 10 - Road Hierarchy Overlay.pdf 1.93 MB PDF 2nd August 2024
3 Map 2 - Agriculture Land Overlay.pdf 1.93 MB PDF 2nd August 2024
4 Map 3 - Airport Overlay.pdf 1.58 MB PDF 2nd August 2024
5 Map 4 - Bushfire Overlay.pdf 22.34 MB PDF 2nd August 2024
6 Map 5a - Coastal Hazard Overlay Erosion.pdf 8.79 MB PDF 2nd August 2024
7 Map 5b - Coastal Hazard Overlay Stormtide.pdf 3.42 MB PDF 2nd August 2024
8 Map 6 - Environmental Significance Overlay.pdf 6.22 MB PDF 2nd August 2024
9 Map 7 - Flood Hazard Overlay.pdf 3.73 MB PDF 2nd August 2024
10 Map 8 - Heritage Overlay.pdf 1.39 MB PDF 2nd August 2024
11 MAP 9 - Regional Infrastructure Overlay.pdf 2.84 MB PDF 2nd August 2024
12 Strategic Framework Maps.pdf 828.72 KB PDF 2nd August 2024
13 Zone Maps.pdf 2.64 MB PDF 2nd August 2024
# Name Size Type Date Download
1 Planning Scheme Fact Sheet.pdf 111.93 KB PDF 22nd September 2023
2 What Is A Planning Scheme State Fact Sheet.pdf 216.00 KB PDF 22nd September 2023
3 Zone - Centre Zone.pdf 197.19 KB PDF 22nd September 2023
4 Zone - Community Facilities Zone.pdf 179.16 KB PDF 22nd September 2023
5 Zone - General Residential Zone.pdf 159.80 KB PDF 22nd September 2023
6 Zone - Industry Zone.pdf 154.68 KB PDF 22nd September 2023
7 Zone - Rural Residential Zone.pdf 225.25 KB PDF 22nd September 2023
8 Zone - Rural Zone.pdf 187.91 KB PDF 22nd September 2023