
The Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 has been amended to transform the regulation of water and sewerage service providers in Queensland.

The focus of regulation is now on outcomes, and the new framework (and performance report) is designed to provide greater transparency and accountability for customers about their service such as Carpentaria Shire Council.

The KPIs within the report are designed to monitor and benchmark performance on common industry metrics including:

  • water security
  • capacity to ensure continuity of supply
  • affordability
  • financial sustainability
  • industry and workforce capability
  • quality of service provided to customers.

For more information about the Water Industry Regulatory Reform, please follow the link to the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy website.

  • The Queensland urban water explorer (the Explorer) is an interactive digital dashboard that allows you to explore, visualise and compare data provided by water and sewerage providers across the state.

    A link to the Explorer can be found here Access the Water Explorer

  • Carpentaria Shire Council blends water from the Great Artesian Bore and the Norman River. At various times due to rain in certain areas of the Norman River catchment, elevated levels of Manganese can occur in the source water.  This sometimes results in discolouration of the water in the network, it is not a health issue.  Council continually monitors the health-based targets under Australian Drinking Water Standards and regularly scours mains to minimise this issue. 

    If residents do experience discoloured water, they can report it to Council’s Customer Service officers on 07 4745 2200. Council will flush the water mains to minimise the extent of the issue.

    This Council service does not include repairing faults associated with water and wastewater plumbing within your property.

    More information can be found in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/about-us/publications/australian-drinking-water-guidelines

  • Normanton Water Supply

    Karumba Water Supply


Current Water Restrictions

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Drinking Water Quality Management Plan Annual Report

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Water Service Provider Annual Report

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