Disaster Dashboard

Current LDMG Status is Stand Down

Coastal Hazard Adaptation

Our Resilient Gulf

FINAL REPORT - Now available

Council and the consultants have now concluded all 8 phases of the Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy and the final report is available on the Council website below.

As part of the process Council has undertaken a series of investigations to inform short and long-term management of the coastal zone, and how we can enhance resilience and adapt to changing coastal hazards.

Coastal hazards include erosion of sandy coastlines, and short or long-term seawater inundation of low-lying areas. Coastal hazards in the Gulf are typically associated with storms, tropical cyclones, and long-term sea-level rise.

Council received funding from the Queensland Government program QCoast2100 for a program of work to inform coastal hazard adaptation initiatives, including:

Phase 1: Developing a stakeholder engagement and communication strategy

Phase 2: Completing a scoping study

Phase 3: Mapping of coastal hazard areas (present day to 2100)

Phase 4: Collating values and assets, and assessing exposure to coastal hazards

Phase 5: Assessing coastal hazard risk to assets and values

Phase 6: Exploring the range of adaptation options and initiatives

Phase 7: Socio-economic assessment of adaptation options

Phase 8: Development, implementation and review of the Shire-wide STrategy.



# Name Size Type Date Download
1 1 - Carpentaria Shire CHAS_v5.pdf 10.45 MB PDF 18th October 2021
2 2 - Supplement A Factsheets and Project Updates v2.pdf 23.26 MB PDF 22nd November 2021
3 3 - Supplement B Coastal Hazard Maps v2.pdf 24.46 MB PDF 22nd November 2021
4 4 - Supplement C Adaptation Options v2.pdf 2.02 MB PDF 22nd November 2021
5 Carpentaria_CHAS_Our Shared Values.pdf 966.73 KB PDF 7th May 2021
6 Carpentaria_CHAS_ProjectUpdate_No1.pdf 3.37 MB PDF 14th May 2020
7 Carpentaria_CHAS_ProjectUpdate_No2_v3.pdf 6.43 MB PDF 11th September 2020
8 Fact sheet no.1 - Commonly used terms.pdf 5.02 MB PDF 14th May 2020
9 Fact sheet no.2 - Coastal hazards.pdf 8.49 MB PDF 14th May 2020
10 Fact sheet no.3 - Adaptation options.pdf 7.26 MB PDF 14th May 2020
11 Fact Sheet no.4 - Resilient House.pdf 5.60 MB PDF 11th February 2021
12 Fact sheet no.5 - Carpentaria Economics.pdf 8.08 MB PDF 10th March 2021