Customer Service Standards

Carpentaria Shire Council (CSC) is committed to delivering quality and reliable water and sewerage services to its customers. This customer service standard outlines the level of service that CSC water and sewerage customers can expect and the targets that CSC strive to achieve to meet these are identified.

The customer service standards also describe the processes for service connection, billing, metering, accounting, customer consultations, shared responsibilities and dispute resolution.

To view the entire 'Customer Service Standards' document, please scroll to the bottom of this page.

Service Standards

Performance Indicator Performance Measure Target
Water Services
Water mains breaks Per 100 km / year <30
Incidents of unplanned interruptions Per 1,000 connections / year <50
Water quality related complaints Per 1,000 connections / year <10
Drinking water quality % of samples tested with no E. coli detection / year 98%
Time to respond to water incidents – water quality complaints, burst mains, supply interruption % of response to incident <12 hours >95%
Sewerage Services
Sewer mains breaks and chokes (blockages) Per 100 km / year <20
Sewerage complaints – overflow on properties and odour Per 1,000 connections / year <50
Time to respond to sewerage incidents – blockages, chokes, overflows % of response to incident <12 hours >95%
Total water and sewerage complaints (any nature) Per 1,000 connections / year <120

Customer Service Standards

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