Community Consultation
Council will implement a series of Community Meetings during each year to hear from community members, allowing them an opportunity to hear from the Councillors on proposed projects and for the Councillors to listen to community concerns on matters that require attention.
Feedback from the community meetings will be made available on the website as soon as possible following the meetings.
From time to time the Council will also seek valuable input from the Community during consultation on a particular item or matter. This may be done through the use of the Have Your Say section of the Website. A link to that section of the website is available here -
# | Name | Size | Type | Date | Download |
1 | 20221212 Karumba Public Meeting QnA.pdf | 127.69 KB | 13th December 2022 | ||
2 | Normanton Public Meeting.pdf | 83.83 KB | 9th October 2023 |

Carpentaria Shire Council is calling for expressions of interest from interested community members to form an Economic Development Advisory Committee.
The Committee will play an integral role advising Council on delivering the actions from the Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan, highlight opportunities and challenges facing buisness and industry to inform Council's Advocacy activities and support delivery of Small Business Friendly initiatives.
Council is seeking community members who are interested in sharing knowledge and skills relevant to the economic future of the community to help council respond to issues and opportunities including members who are First Nation, are a resident or an owner of a business in Carpentaria Shire or are a nominated representative of a State Government department aligned with a committee or working group functions.
The committee will:
- Have input into the development, implementation and review of Council’s economic development policies, strategies and initiatives
- Provide an opportunity for members of the community to communicate views to Council
- Act as a conduit for stakeholders to have input into the implementation of relevant strategies and plans on behalf of the Carpentaria community and;
- Provide input into the annual goals of council.
For further information, please read the Economic Development Advisory Committee Terms of Reference (please refer to the below downloadable PDF document link).
Applications for the Advisory Committee open on December 1, 2023 and will remain open until February 29, 2024.
Please download the nomination form (please refer to the below downloadable PDF document link).
For further information contact Director Community Development, Tourism and Regional Prosperity Anne Andrews on:
P - 0417 306 412
E -
# | Name | Size | Type | Date | Download |
1 | Economic Development Advisory Committee Carpentaria Shire Terms of Reference.pdf | 421.74 KB | 1st December 2023 | ||
2 | Economic Development Advisory Committee Expression of Interest 2024.pdf | 62.16 KB | 4th December 2023 | ||
3 | Economic Development Strategy Action Plan.pdf | 1.23 MB | 1st December 2023 |

Carpentaria Shire Council is calling for expressions of interest from interested community members to form a Tourism Advisory Committee.
The Committee will support Council to deliver the actions from the Outback By The Sea® Tourism Strategy, support the community to develop and deliver quality experiences and events and advise on marketing and projects that will increase visitation, length of stay and average spend. Members will also assist in the growth of the Outback By The Sea Festival.
Council is seeking community members who are interested in growing the visitor economy and who are First Nation, a resident or owner of a business in Carpentaria Shire, or are a nominated representative of a State Government department aligned with a committee or working group functions.
The committee will:
- Have input into the development, implementation and review of Council’s Tourism policies, strategies and initiatives
- Provide an opportunity for members of the community to communicate views to Council
- Act as a conduit for stakeholders to have input into the implementation of relevant strategies and plans on behalf of the Carpentaria community and;
- Provide input into the annual goals of council.
For further information, please read the Tourism Advisory Committee Terms of Reference (please refer to the below downloadable PDF document link).
Applications for the Advisory Committee open on December 1, 2023 and will remain open until February 29, 2024.
Please download the nomination form (please refer to the below downloadable PDF document link).
For further information contact Director Community Development, Tourism and Regional Prosperity Anne Andrews on:
P - 0417 306 412
E -
# | Name | Size | Type | Date | Download |
1 | Outback by the Sea Tourism Strategy March 2023.pdf | 2.33 MB | 1st December 2023 | ||
2 | Tourism Advisory Committee Carpentaria Shire Terms of Reference.pdf | 420.39 KB | 1st December 2023 | ||
3 | Tourism Advisory Committee Expression of Interest 2024.pdf | 61.14 KB | 1st December 2023 |