TMR Prequalification now a reality for Carpentaria Shire Council
In October last year we advised that Council was working on obtaining prequalification through the National Prequalification System for Civil (Road and Bridge) Construction.
We are quite pleased and proud to advised that our certification was received this week and the Carpentaria Shire Council has been added to the Department of Transport and Main Roads Contractor Prequalification Status listing as at 31 March 2021 in the Roads (R2) and Bridges (B1) categories.
In Queensland only nine Councils have this certification and Carpentaria Shire Council is one of those nine. Many contractors have prequalification certification but only nine of the seventy-seven councils.
Mayor Jack Bawden said, “the council staff worked with the consultants from QSolutions Group to obtain this certification which was 50% funded through the Statewide Capability Development Fund provided under the Roads and Transport Alliance.”
“With road building and road maintenance being one of the main activities of the Council it was fitting that we obtained prequalification certification to demonstrate our capacity, experience and capability to undertake funded projects on behalf of the other levels of government.
While this is exciting news, we are not finished with our desire to become prequalified for additional work opportunities as Council is also pursuing prequalification for Federal Government works and will work towards certification for those works also” he said.
Council looks forward to continuing to upgrade our shire roads and undertake works on behalf of the State and Federal Government on the State Road Network. Well done to the team and everyone involved in obtaining this certification.