Advocacy Action Plan


At the February General Meeting the Council adopted an Advocacy Action Plan. Council wanted to let the community know what they can expect from the Council in relation to our advocacy efforts on your behalf and we encourage you to hold us to account.

Mayor Bawden said “while putting together the Advocacy Action Plan we picked up some of the items covered in the Carpentaria Community Plan 2012-2022 that are progressed through the advocacy efforts of the Council, on behalf of the community. Now that 2022 has rolled past we wanted to pick those Focus areas up in this Advocacy Action Plan to ensure they were not lost, and Council will continue to advocate on behalf of the Communities.”

“Your Council is committed to providing a good quality lifestyle in the Gulf and we often need the other levels of Government to provide the additional services that also contribute to that quality lifestyle. Councils with their very limited rate base are not able to be all things to all people and while we often become the providers of last resort we cannot control those important things like health, education, and aged care,” he said.

The Advocacy Action Plan sets out what the Council will do in relation to those matters which the Council has no jurisdiction. Those things like education, health, aged care, which are the responsibility of the other levels of Government, but those things that also matter most to members of the community and ultimately ensure we have a good quality of life and access to services that people in larger populated centres take for granted.

A copy of the Advocacy Action Plan is available on the Council website at the following link