Council adopts 2024-2025 Budget


The Carpentaria Shire Council budget was adopted on Thursday 20th June 2024 at the Budget Meeting held in Normanton. The budget is for the financial year 2024-2025.

As part of the budget process several policies were also reviewed and updated those being, Revenue Policy, Investment Policy, Debt Policy (no new borrowings), Rates Based Financial Assistance for Community Organisations, Pensioner Rates Concession Policy (remains at 30% for eligible pensioners as in previous years), Concealed Water Leak Policy and Faulty Water Meter Policy. The Debt Recovery Policy and Financial Hardship Policy were reviewed; however, no changes have been made.  These updated Policies will be available on the Council Website in due course. 

Council also adopted the Operational Plan for the 2024-2025 financial year which identifies key initiatives that will be carried out during the financial year to achieve the Corporate Plan Initiatives.

The operational budget deficit totals $7.924 million, including depreciation expense of $10.312 million. The Capital Budget contains projects with a value of $38.631 million of which $33.459 million is covered with grant funding with the balance contribution from Ratepayers.  

As has been the case for the past few year Council continues to hold discussion with the Department of Transport and Main Roads to undertake works for and on their behalf and we continue to receive funding through the Works 4 Queensland (State Government) and the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program {LRCIP} (Federal Government), albeit the current round (phase four) is the last we will see of this funding program.

Capital projects are broken up as follows, Renewals $28.754 million, Upgrades $7.539 million and New $2.337 million. Councils, more importantly the ratepayers, contribution towards this investment is $2.982 million, with the balance coming from grants funding, some from reserves and trade-ins of assets being replaced. Most of our capital investment is in renewal of assets to increase the useful life of our assets and ensure they continue to service the needs of the community, rather than just adding new assets.

Council has continued its success in obtaining grant funds to reduce the impact and burden on ratepayers to deliver necessary infrastructure. Mayor Bawden said “Council will continue to use its best endeavours to access eligible funding for projects that benefit the community and its ratepayers.”

Mayor Bawden said “during the development of the budget, Council was mindful of the current impacts that cost of living have had on the family household budget and challenges faced by commercial business and the flow on effect this has for the community, the increase for the average household ratepayer will be $1.87 per week in Normanton and a $0.50 per week increase for Karumba Residents.” Karumba residents receive a further discount due to the equalisation of sewerage charges being brought in over a five year period.

Residential ratepayers will receive a general rate rise of around 1% with no increase in the water charges that were adopted last budget.

Details of the budget will be available on the Council website for download for members of the public.

Rate notices are planned to be issued in August 2024 and in February 2025.